In order to bring you clean claims and a better acceptance rate, our team specializes in documenting gynecology-related modifiers and billing codes.

OBGYN Medical Billing Services & Coding Complexities

Within changes in CPT codes and the implementation of ICD-10, many practices have faced OBGYN medical billing and coding difficulties. That has increased claims denials and slowed the practice revenue cycle. Additionally, there are several significant general changes that gynecologists should be aware of because staying updated with coding requirements enables physicians to record patient histories and accurately maintain records.
OB/GYN billing covers a host of procedures, including Obstetrics, Gynecology, Anesthesia, and Family Planning. Moreover, ob/gyn billing services is challenging, even for some of the simpler procedures in these domains. Due to this, billing errors are a typical issue in the OB/GYN practice.

OBGYN Billing Nuances and NEO MDโ€™s Solutions

OB/Gyn billing is unlike any other simple specialty. Concerning OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, NEO MD Medical Billing has depth understanding. The practices we partner with offer various services, including colposcopy, antepartum care, post-partum care, Caesarian delivery, gynecology office visits, and many others.
The success of your practice is our top priority for our employees. We work with professional coders that specialize in medical billing. Our company has worked countless hours in OBGYN billing and has years of experience working with medical professionals. We are aware of how crucial surgeries and deliveries are to the financial health of an OBGYN practice, and we take them very seriously. Every week, our team will check in on those claims to ensure that the payor has received them and that they have been fairly resolved. We provide you with various strategies to increase revenue and improve patient satisfaction.

How to bill the deliveries?

It is very important to understand the nuances of OB/GYN billing. There are commonly two ways of billing deliveries.
1. Separately bill each appointment as an office visit and a code for delivery plus postpartum care.
2. Globally bill the full delivery episode.

We Cover a Range of OBGYN Medical Billing Services

Our OBGYN billing experts are capable of addressing the following specialties:

  • Pregnancy
  • Maternal-fetal Medicine
  • Anesthesia
  • Abortion
  • Family planning
  • Gynecological Uro-gynecology
  • Advanced Laparoscopic surgery
  • Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
  • Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
  • Pelvic Reconstruction Surgery
  • Menopausal and Geriatric Gynecology

    Here Is How We Can Revive Your OB/GYN Practice

    • Our COBGC-Certified OB/GYN coding specialists increase coding accuracy
    • Our certified OBGYN billers are experienced in split billing methods
    • Our round-the-clock workflow ensures quick submission and follow-up of claims
    • Experience in medical billing for surgical procedures performed by OBGYN specialists
    • Proven expertise in assigning OB care codes
    • Strong knowledge of billing antepartum care, deliveries, and postpartum care procedures
    • 98% first pass claim acceptance rate
    • See a drastic reduction in payer denial rates after working with us
    • Detailed and prompt medical billing reports

    OBGYN Billing Cheat Sheet

    • Vaginal delivery only (59409)
    • Postpartum care only (59430)
    • C-section delivery only (59514)
    • For multiple deliveries, use modifier 22 and the appropriate delivery well. Each delivery will require documentation to justify the delivery type.
    • Postpartum care begins after the patient is discharged from the hospital and extends to 5 days of vaginal delivery or 90 days for a c-section delivery.
    • The global OB code should be used to bill for all visits associated with pregnancy (apart from inpatient hospital stays for complications of pregnancy). Individual E/M codes should NOT be billed to report pregnancy-related E/M visits.

    This Is How We Handle Your OB/GYN Claims

    • To ensure proper Billing initiatives, superbills and medical records are acquired from the provider’s office and scrutinized and evaluated.
    • Investigate insurance benefits and confirm demographics.
    • The CPCs (Certified Professional Coders) abstract charts. Medical and diagnostic data are used to assign CPT codes and modifiers.
    • The charge-entry department receives the coded claims for processing.
    • To make sure that submitted claims follow Medicare, Medi-Cal, OSHA, and HIPAA rules, claim audits are performed.
    • The transmission of claims to clearinghouses
    • Insurance companies get unambiguous claims.
    • Monitoring of payment adjudication is carried out.
    • We enter client payments into the EMR/HER/Excel system.
    • Our AR follow-up section keeps track of unpaid medical claims.
    • Rejected claims are corrected and resubmitted by the denial management department.

    NEO MD Medical Billing Final Thoughts

    NEO MD is concerned with your OBGYN medical practice’s success. Your office will be able to schedule appointments, monitor payments, and keep data more conveniently by utilizing our advanced systems. We are pleased to work with your EHR in the office because we have experience with many different EHRs in the market.


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