Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages. An injury, like a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage, may cause knee pain. Left Knee Pain is also a common symptom of other medical conditions, such as gout, arthritis, and infections. Every year, there is a significant increase in the complexity of reporting Left Knee Pain ICD 10 coding. Specifically, ICD 10 codes describe the pain and severity of the condition.
Left Knee Pain ICD 10 coding is more accessible with our customized billing guidelines. The medical codes for reporting Left Knee Pain and any associated ICD 11 codes are all included in this article. Continue to read for a summary of the necessary ICD 10 Code Left Knee Pain, followed by a description.
Injuries, mechanical problems, various types of arthritis, and other issues can result in knee pain. In addition to the bones, cartilage, and ligaments that make up the joint itself, a knee injury may also impact any of the tendons, ligaments, or bursae surrounding your knee joint. ACL rupture, fractures, torn meniscus, and knee bursitis are some common knee injuries. Loose body, iliotibial band syndrome, a dislocated kneecap, and foot pain are a few examples of mechanical problems that can lead to knee pain. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudogout, and septic arthritis are most likely to affect the knee.
Depending on the cause, knee pain may vary in location and intensity.
Knee pain can cause several symptoms, including the following:
- Stiffness and swelling
- Redness and warmth that one could experience when touched
- A lack of strength or stability
- Pops and crunches are noticeable.
- Inability to extend the knee fully
ICD 10 Code for Left Knee Pain
M25.562 is commonly employed as Left Knee Pain ICD 10 Code.
How to Code a Patient’s Left Knee Pain in an ICD-10 Billing System? Here are the coding guidelines and examples. The knee is the largest joint in the human body, connecting the thigh bone (femur) to the lower leg joint (tibia). The patella, or knee cap, is the part of the knee that contacts the ground. Ligaments (elastic collagen tissue) connect the bones.
A patient may experience pain in his or her Left Knee due to damage to one or more soft-tissue components, infection of the knee joint, or trauma to the bone. In all of these cases, the appropriate diagnosis should be made to accurately reflect the nature and severity of the patient’s pain. Using an accurate diagnosis can lead to full recovery. The ICD 10 Code for Left Knee Pain is used to document a patient’s pain related to an ACL injury in the Left Knee.
The table below includes the most commonly used ICD 10 codes for Left Knee Pain:
ICD-10 Chapter | Codes | Code Description |
13 | M25.362 | Other instability, Left Knee |
13 | M25.369 | Other instability, unspecified knee |
13 | M25.562 | Pain in the Left Knee |
13 | M25.569 | Pain in the unspecified knee |
13 | M25.662 | Stiffness of Left Knee, not elsewhere classified |
13 | M25.669 | Stiffness of unspecified knee, not elsewhere classified. |
13 | M25.862 | Other specified joint disorders, Left Knee |
13 | M25.869 | Other specified joint disorders, unspecified knee |
(Unspecified) ICD 10 Left Knee Pain
There are many types of knee pain, each of which has its own ICD 10 code. When coding for pain in the knee, the most common complaint is acute or chronic. There are several different ICD 10 Pain in Left Knee codes. This article will discuss some of the most common codes of Left Knee Pain ICD 10. Additionally, we will explain some guideline points here so you can adequately code your condition. The knee has the most prominent articulating surface of any joint.
- ICD 10 Left Knee Pain is coded by M25.569 (Unspecified).
- Depending on the activity, this weight-bearing joint may hold up to five times a person’s body weight.
- This article thoroughly evaluates an adult with nonspecific Left Knee Pain using the patient’s medical history and physical exam data.
- There is a more thorough explanation of treating the patient if they have severe knee overuse or acute, low-energy trauma resulting in knee pain.
Various conditions can lead to knee pain, including injuries, inflammation, wounds, and osteoarthritis. For more information, visit
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in the Left Knee Pain ICD 10 Code
- M22.2X2 is the Left Knee Pain ICD 10 Code for patellofemoral pain syndrome.
- Pain around the patella, sometimes referred to as the kneecap and the front of the knee, are symptoms of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).
- This condition, sometimes known as “jumper’s knee,” affects athletes more frequently than non-athletes.
- But the illness can also afflict people who are not athletes. Going upstairs and downstairs, bending down, and performing other daily tasks are difficult for people with PFPS.
- There are several causes of PFPS. Overuse from demanding activities or training, as well as problems with the alignment of the kneecap, are frequent causes.
- Many people find that simple lifestyle changes reduce symptoms, such as reducing physical activity or starting an exercise program for therapeutic purposes.
How Does PFPS Develop?
ICD 10 Code for Left Knee Pain After Fall
- M25.562 is the ICD 10 code for Left Knee Pain after a fall.
- Swelling in the knee might result from ligament damage or a bone fracture.
- If your knee seems warm to the touch after a fall, this might indicate inflammation brought on by a stretched muscle or tendon.
- Infection or bursitis can also be a source of warmth. A knee strain or sprain typically takes two to four weeks to recover completely.
- The healing period might take four to a year, depending on the damage’s severity.
- In this case, the term “RICE” should be used.
- RICE works well for treating knee pain brought on by a minor injury or an attack of arthritis (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).
In ICD 10 for Left Knee Pain, you need to use two codes: ICD code G89 for acute Left Knee Pain and ICD code G90 for chronic Left Knee Pain. Moreover, the diagnosis must be documented in the musculoskeletal-extremes section of the physical examination. This way, you can correctly code your patient’s knee pain and provide a complete medical record. Nevertheless, you should note that the ICD coding guidelines do not specify the type of pain.
ICD 10 for Left Knee Pain After ACL Damage
An ACL damage to the left knee results in pain, documented with primary codes of ICD 10 for left knee pain. Making the correct diagnosis is crucial to successful recovery because the pain might indicate many other medical disorders. Here are some essential pointers to remember while describing pain caused by ACL damage. This should make documenting a patient’s symptoms a little bit simpler.
In ICD 10 for Left Knee Pain, you need to use ICD code G90 for chronic left knee pain and ICD code G89 for acute left knee pain. Furthermore, the diagnosis must be reported in the physical examination’s musculoskeletal-extremes section. You will be able to appropriately code your patient’s knee pain and offer a comprehensive medical record. However, it is essential to highlight that the ICD coding criteria do not indicate the type of pain.
ICD 10 Code Left Knee Pain for Swelling
ICD 10 code left knee pain is not difficult to assign because the condition has been reported in the physical examination. This category falls under the musculoskeletal-extremities category. It is important to code the most common cause of knee pain correctly.
- M25.562 is the ICD 10 code Left Knee Pain for swelling.
- Swelling in the knee is an indication of knee joint problems.
- The cause might be the body’s reaction to knee damage, an overuse injury, or a sign of an underlying disease or condition.
- The knee joint swells as fluid collects in or around the joint.
- Knee effusions are also known as swollen knees or effusions of water on the knee.
- Consult a physician if your knee swelling lasts more than three days, worsens, or causes many discomforts.
- Swelling in the knee joint can make it more difficult to move and perform basic tasks.
- For instance, a swollen knee may be difficult to bend or straighten and suddenly bend 15° to 25° when the patient is resting.
- No matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant it may be, a person who feels water on the knee will want to learn what is causing it and try to ease the symptoms.
- Your physician could make mention of effusions in the knee joint. Belling-related discomfort and stiffness can be alleviated by emptying some of the fluid. Physicians should correctly code Left Knee Pain ICD 10 guidelines while billing the provided services.
- Some individuals refer to this situation as having “water on the knee.”
- The knees may enlarge as a result of trauma, illness, or overuse.
- Your doctor may require a fluid sample or to check for an infection, a disease, or injury to determine what is causing the swelling.

Anterior pain in Left Knee ICD 10 Code
- 562 is the pain in Left Knee ICD 10 code for Anterior discomfort
- The term “anterior knee pain” describes pain in the front and middle of the knee.
- When the kneecap cannot move freely and rubs against the bottom of the thigh bone, pain develops in the anterior region of the knee.
- This might happen if the kneecap is positioned awkwardly (also called the poor problem of the patellofemoral joint).
- Your thigh muscles are either overworked or underdeveloped.
Arthritis Left Knee Pain ICD-10
- M17.12 is the Left Knee Pain ICD-10 code for arthritis.
- Knee joint arthritis is among the most painful and crippling diseases of aging.
- The most prevalent disease, osteoarthritis, can damage one or both knees.
- Knee injuries can result in discomfort, edema, and stiffness in the joint.
- There are several treatments available to assist ease the discomfort.
- In addition, arthritis may cause inflammation in your joints. The symptoms of arthritis include pain, swelling, and stiffness.
- The knee might be one of the affected joints, although it is more often there.
- Numerous daily activities, such as walking and climbing stairs, might become difficult when one has knee arthritis.
- This frequent reason for absence from work negatively influences many people’s productivity.
- Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most widespread types of arthritis, yet there are more than 100 other varieties.
- Despite being more common in adults, several forms of arthritis can also afflict children.
Physicians need to understand the differences between the various types of arthritis. And the appropriate Left Knee Pain ICD 10 code should be assigned based on the clinical details of the patient’s complaint. If you are unsure which code to assign, review the ICD coding guidelines.